Steering Committee

Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, Chair, Virginia Tech, USA
Murali Annavaram, University of Southern California, USA
Eduard Ayguade, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Rosa Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Pete Beckman, Argonne Natl Lab, USA
Ramon Bevide, U of Cantabria, Spain
Kirk Cameron Virginia Tech, USA
Fran Cazorla, Technical University of Catalonia/BSC, Spain
Fred Chong, University of Chicago, USA
Chen Ding, University of Rochester, USA
Rudi Eigenman, University of Delaware, USA
Yoav Etsion, Technion, Israel
Stratis Gallopoulos, U of Patras, Greece
Peter Hofstee, IBM and TU Delft
Wen-mei Hwu, nVidia, USA
Kyle Gallivan, Florida State University, USA
Bill Gropp, University of Illinois,USA
James Goodman, USA
Michael Gschwind, Facebook, USA
Mahmut Kandemir, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Kenji Kise, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Zhiyuan Li, Purdue University, USA
Sally A. McKee, Clemson University, USA
Avi Mendelson, Technion, Israel
Jose Moreira, IBM, USA
Frank Mueller, North Carolina State University, USA
Alex Nicolau, University of California Irvine, USA
Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Constantine Polychronopoulos, Juniper Networks, USA
Lawrence Rauchwerger, University of Illinois, USA
Valentina Salapura, Google, USA
John Sopka, USA
Mateo Valero, Technical University of Catalonia/BSC, Spain
Ana Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Alex Veidenbaum, Vice Chair, University of California Irvine, USA
Huiyang Zhou, North Carolina State University, USA

In Memoriam

The ICS Steering Committee mourns the passing of its members.

Harry Wijshoff, 2023
Utpal Banerjee, 2017
Theo Papatheodorou, 2012
Stamatis Vassiliadis, 2007
Ken Kennedy, 2007